User manual and frequently asked questions DOLCE GUSTO MINI ME

DOLCE GUSTO MINI ME The compact and automatic Mini Me capsule coffee machine, with its modern design, will match your own unique style.


 The compact and automatic NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Mini Me capsule coffee machine by Krups, with its modern design, will match your own unique style.

Create professional quality coffees with a thick velvety crema, thanks to the machine’s high-pressure system (up to 15 bars).
With our hermetically sealed capsules, which preserves coffee freshness, you’ll enjoy rich aromatic cups every time.

Just slide in a capsule, customize your beverage size with the Play & Select function, and go! Create your perfect beverage from over 30 coffee creations - from Espresso, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato, or even hot chocolate, teas and cold beverages.

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Ref : KP120140



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